6 Household products that are dangerous for Pets

6 Household products that are dangerous for Pets

If you have a dog that likes to get their teeth into anything and everything then we suggest you don't even keep these 6 toxic household products to pets in the house at all. 

6 Toxic Household Pet Products

1. Pest-Control Products

2. Antifreeze

3. Dishwashing Detergent

4. Floor Cleaners

5. Garbage

6. Marijuana

Lets chat about why these things are dangerous and toxic for pets

Is Pest-Control Safe for Dogs?

Although pest-control can help eliminate the unwanted animals and pests that can sometimes make their way into your home it is a very dangerous and product to keep around the house with pets. Not only can Pet-Control kill animals like rats, mice, snails etc but it can also kill your much loved pet. 

Pet-Control causes tremors and seizures leading to a very painful death and products for rat and mouse baiting can lead to life-threatening haemorrhage or some products may even cause the brain to swell and cause neurological complications.  

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Can Antifreeze Products harm dogs?

Did you know that Antifreeze products are actually highly toxic to pets and can cause kidney failure. The main toxic product in antifreeze is actually ethylene glycol which to pets can taste very sweet and may even be attractive by smell. Thankfully since recent past issues with human and pet exposure to antifreeze manufactures have agreed to now introduce anti-biting packaging to lessen the risk of exposure. 

Can Dishwashing Detergent be harmful to pets?

Did you know that dishwashing detergent is actually one item in the kitchen or laundry that people dismiss as being highly toxic to your pet. We recommend keeping it up in a high spot away from pets. Not only can dishwashing detergent or even fabric softeners cause mucus membranes of the mouth and intestines but it can cause serious health issues and complications. 

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Is Medication for Humans be bad for dogs?

Although some human medication can be ok for dogs to take (Please seek Vet Assistance for this) there are lots of medications that us humans take that are extremely dangerous and toxic to pets. We recommend keeping all medication out of plain sight to pets and ensure you are always being careful around the house with them.

If your pet gets into some medication we recommend taking your pet to your local vet straight away.

Can my dog eat my left overs?

Some pets are just notorious for being binge bin or garbage eaters and although they might score lucky at times, majority of the time they are eating food that not even humans can consume or that are off or rotten. Garbage bins can not only been toxic for dogs but they can be a chocking hazard themselves especially if your pet finds a cooked bone, rib bone, corn cob, plastic or old chemicals. We recommend ensuring that your bin is either in a cupboard or in a safe spot where your pet will be out of harms way.

Are Floor Cleaners safe for pets?

Do you love the look and smell of nice cleanly mopped floor? Well you might want to think about switching to a natural method or product as our much loved supermarket floor cleaners are actually toxic for pets. Vapours from the products not only linger in the air but are dangerous to your pets health.

👉🏼 Do you have a Pet First Aid Kit for Emergencies? 

Can my dog have Marijuana?

Although there are some types of ways that pets can have marijuana or CBD oil we do recommend keeping your stash out of your pets reach. Pets seem to be drawn to the bud of the marijuana and love to sniff it out. Even though Marijuana is not extremely toxic to pets it is still very important to ensure that it is out of reach and not consumed by your pet. If it is we recommend seeking Vet Help as soon as possible.

Toxic Ingredients in Household Cleaners 

Before choosing your products for home we recommend always checking the ingredients and ensuring that you are staying away from Ammonia, Chlorine, Glycol Ethers and Formaldehyde. Instead choose more natural and organic products to not only keep your own health safe but your pets also. 

Over to you

What are some of the best natural options you have found for your home?


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